* GoogleService module
* @module GoogleService
* @constant nodemailer
* @requires nodemailer
const nodemailer = require('nodemailer')
* @constant {google}
* @requires googleapis
const { google } = require('googleapis')
* @constant firebaseFunctions
* @requires firebaseFunctions
const firebaseFunctions = require('../firebaseFunctions')
* @constant OAuth2
* @requires google.auth.OAuth2
const OAuth2 = google.auth.OAuth2
module.exports = {
* Sends an email using Gmail with Nodemailer. It first reads in the Firebase database. Then it uses
* an OAuth2 library to get an access token from Google. It configures the content of the email and uses the
* Nodemailer library to send the email.
* @function send_mail
* @param {*} subject Unnecessary but mandatory for areaLoop.
* @param {*} mailContent Content of the mail
* @param {*} uid The user's uid
send_mail: function(uid, subject, mailContent) {
firebaseFunctions.getDataFromFireBase(uid, 'GoogleService')
.then(data => {
const OAuth2_client = new OAuth2(data.clientId, data.clientSecret)
OAuth2_client.setCredentials( {refresh_token : data.refreshToken})
const accessToken = OAuth2_client.getAccessToken()
const transport = nodemailer.createTransport({
service: 'gmail',
auth: {
type: 'OAUTH2',
user: data.user,
clientId: data.clientId,
clientSecret: data.clientSecret,
refreshToken: data.refreshToken,
accessToken: accessToken
const mail_options = {
from: `'AREA BOT' <${data.user}>`,
to: data.recipient,
subject: `Area Message`,
text: get_html_message(mailContent)
transport.sendMail(mail_options, function(error, res) {
if (error) {
console.log('Error: ', error)
console.log('mail correctly sent')
.catch(error => {
* Saves the data from google service to the user in the database.
* @function RegistedRequiredGoogle
* @param {string} uid - user id
* @param {Object} res - Express response object
RegistedRequiredGoogle: function(uid, res) {
.then(data => {
firebaseFunctions.getDataFromFireBase(uid, "")
.then((userdata) => {
var information = data
information.recipient = userdata.email
firebaseFunctions.setDataInDb(`USERS/${uid}/GoogleService`, information)
res.json({body: "OK"}).status(200);
}).catch((error) => {
res.json({body: "Error"}).status(400);
.catch(error => {
res.json({body: "Error"}).status(400);
* function called which returns the content of the message in html format.
* @function get_html_message
* @param {string} mailContent mailContent is the content of the mail sent.
* @returns {*} return string message in html format.
function get_html_message(mailContent) {
return `${mailContent}`